Upload a project to your cloud VCS

Learn how to upload a project to your cloud version control system (VCS), like GitHub or GitLab, so you can integrate the following tools with Kobiton:

Before you start

You’ll need to complete the following:

Open the project

Open the terminal and navigate to your project’s root directory.

cd ~/my-app/

If your project is already initialized as a git repository, you can upload your project files.

Optional: initialize as a git repository

If your project hasn’t been initialized as a git repository yet, run the following commands to create your first commit.

git init -b main
git add --all
git commit -m "First commit"

Upload the project

  • GitHub

  • GitLab

Install gh, GitHub’s command-line tool, using your operating system’s package manager.

Example (macOS)
brew install gh

Enter the following command and follow the prompts in your terminal.

gh repo create

Open GitHub and confirm your source files have been successfully uploaded.

The home page of your new repository in GitHub

Use the --set-upstream flag to push the commit to GitLab. Set <namespace> to a personal or group namespace and <myproject> to a short, descriptive project name.

git push --set-upstream git@gitlab.example.com:<namespace>/<myproject>.git main

Open GitLab and confirm your source files have been successfully uploaded.

The home page of your new repository in GitLab