Supported client libraries The following client libraries are supported when using the Kobiton API. C# Framework Library Supported version Appium Appium.WebDriver 4.3.1 and earlier Selenium Selenium.WebDriver 3.141.0 and earlier Java Framework Library Supported version Appium java-client 7.5.1 and earlier Selenium selenium-java 3.141.0 and earlier NodeJS Framework Library Supported version Appium wd 1.0.0 and later Selenium selenium-webdriver 3.6.0 and earlier PHP Framework Library Supported version Appium appium-php 0.2.0 and later Selenium php-webdriver 1.1.0 and later Python Framework Library Supported version Selenium selenium 3.141.0 and earlier Ruby Framework Library Supported version Appium appium_lib 11.2.0 and earlier Selenium selenium-webdriver 3.14 and later