Supported client libraries These are the supported client libraries for automation testing. Kobiton Kobiton utilizes Xium, Kobiton’s high-speed reimplementation of Appium Server, to support mobile automation. Xium is designed to be more stable, faster than Appium, and is compatible with multiple versions of Appium, including the most current version. If you experiences any issues running your Appium scripts, please reach out to Kobiton Support. Legacy Kobiton (deprecated) Legacy Kobiton is built on Appium 1.17.1 which supports the following: C# Framework Library Supported version Appium Appium.WebDriver 4.3.1 and earlier Selenium Selenium.WebDriver 3.141.0 and earlier Java Framework Library Supported version Appium java-client 7.5.1 and earlier Selenium selenium-java 3.141.0 and earlier NodeJS Framework Library Supported version Appium wd 1.0.0 and later Selenium selenium-webdriver 3.6.0 and earlier PHP Framework Library Supported version Appium appium-php 0.2.0 and later Selenium php-webdriver 1.1.0 and later Python Framework Library Supported version Selenium selenium 3.141.0 and earlier Ruby Framework Library Supported version Appium appium_lib 11.2.0 and earlier Selenium selenium-webdriver 3.14 and later