Obfuscate private data in Appium script

Learn how to obfuscate (hide) private data in an Appium test script in the View HTTP Headers and Appium Inspector section of Session Explorer.

Data obfuscation Appium setting

We introduced a new custom setting to start and stop obfuscation for private data in an Appium sesssion:

Appium setting Description Default value


Set to true to start obfuscating data, or to false to stop obfuscating


Start data obfuscation

Before starting a test action that involves private data, such as passing account password, use the Update Settings Appium command to set 'kobiton:privateMode' to true.

Example (JavaScript)
await driver.updateSettings({'kobiton:privateMode': true})

As long as the setting is true, the data provided is marked for obfuscation.

Stop data obfuscation

When test steps no longer involve private data, use the Update Settings Appium command to set 'kobiton:privateMode' back to false.

Example (JavaScript)
await driver.updateSettings({'kobiton:privateMode': false})

After this command, the data is no longer obfuscated.


Below is a complete example of JavaScript code using wd that demonstrates a simple login on a website, with the username and password obfuscated during the process.

Example (JavaScript)
import 'babel-polyfill'
import 'colors'
import wd from 'wd'
import {assert} from 'chai'

const username = process.env.KOBITON_USERNAME
const apiKey = process.env.KOBITON_API_KEY
const deviceUdid = process.env.KOBITON_DEVICE_UDID
const protocol = 'https'
const host = 'api.kobiton.com'

if (!username || !apiKey || !deviceUdid) {
  console.log('Error: Environment variables KOBITON_USERNAME, KOBITON_API_KEY or KOBITON_DEVICE_UDID are required to execute script')

const kobitonServerConfig = {protocol, host, auth: `${username}:${apiKey}`}

const desiredCaps = {
  sessionName: 'Automation test data obfuscation',
  sessionDescription: 'An automation test with private data to obfuscate',
  udid: deviceUdid,
  noReset: true,
  fullReset: false,
  browserName: 'chrome',
  autoWebview: 'true',

let driver

function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

describe('Android Web sample', () => {
  before(async () => {
    driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(kobitonServerConfig)

    driver.on('status', (info) => {
    driver.on('command', (meth, path, data) => {
      console.log(' > ' + meth.yellow, path.grey, data || '')
    driver.on('http', (meth, path, data) => {
      console.log(' > ' + meth.magenta, path, (data || '').grey)

    try {
      await driver.init(desiredCaps)
    catch (err) {
      if (err.data) {
        console.error(`init driver: ${err.data}`)
      throw err

  it('should perform a simple login', async () => {
    await driver.settings()

    // Start obfuscating data before passing username and password.
    await driver.updateSettings({'kobiton:privateMode': true})
    await driver.settings()

    // Send username and password to log in.
    await driver.get('https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/login')

    // Login completes. Stop obfuscating data.
    await driver.updateSettings({'kobiton:privateMode': false})
    await driver.settings()

    await driver.get('https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/')
    await sleep(2000)
    await driver.title()


  after(async () => {
    if (driver != null) {
    try {
      await driver.quit()
    catch (err) {
      console.error(`quit driver: ${err}`)

Obfuscated private data in Session Explorer

When an Appium script with data obfuscation finishes running, the private data is obfuscated in the Session Explorer page in these places:

  • View HTTP Headers

The obfuscated data in the View HTTP Headers section

  • Appium Inspector

The obfuscated data in the Appium Inspector section


  • Only supported in Xium and Appium 2 Basic automation sessions.

  • Unlike Manual sessions with sensitive data, Automation sessions with obfuscated data are not marked as sensitive sessions and can be accessed by admins or other team members.

  • Although the private data is obfuscated in View HTTP Headers and Appium Inspector, it may not be obfuscated in session video, screenshots, and logs.