Kobiton 4.11.2S release notes

Apr 8, 2024

These notes include changes to Standalone since the 4.9.1S release.

Ubuntu operating system

With this release, Kobiton transitioned from NixOS to the Ubuntu Operating System for the GEM/Dell Server. Ubuntu allows for a more efficient upgrade process going forward along with other operational benefits. We will coordinate the upgrade process with each customer.

New OS support

Kobiton 4.11.2S adds support for the following:

  • iOS/iPadOS 17.5 Beta

  • iOS/iPadOS 17.2.1, 17.3 RC, 17.3.1, 17.4.1

  • MacOS Sonoma 14.2, 14.2.1, 14.3, 14.4, and 14.4.1

  • Xcode 15.2, 15.3

  • At this time, we recommend hosting iOS 17+ devices via Standard mode deployments for improved performance.

Script-based Automation: Launch a basic Appium 2 session (Beta)

In response to customer requests, Kobiton 4+ now offers the option to launch Appium automation tests using a basic Appium 2 server. This Beta release is particularly useful in scenarios where Xium, Kobiton’s high-speed drop-in replacement of the Appium server, may not support specific testing requirements.

Kobiton’s default mobile automation method remains Xium. However, users now have the choice to try our basic Appium 2 server by updating their Appium script with the following steps:

Add the 'kobiton:runtime' capability with the value 'appium' to your script.

Make sure your test script is compatible with Appium 2 before you run your tests:

Appium 2.0 requires the capability 'appium:automationName' - it is optional in Appium 1.0 and Xium.

Non-standard capabilities must have the prefix 'appium:' (Example: 'appium:bundleId').

Our Beta basic Appium 2 server currently has the following limitations:

  • Limited session exhaust: Sessions will not include screenshots, device logs, Appium logs, or system metrics. Only Session Overview is available; Session Explorer is not accessible.

  • Mixed sessions: Manual interactions are not supported.

  • AI features: Scriptless automation, Appium script generation, validations, and flexCorrect are not supported as they rely on session exhaust.

See the detailed user guide here.

Please reach out to Kobiton Support with any feedback on this functionality.

Script-based Automation: Launch an Appium Server session using the Flutter driver (Beta)

We also introduced the ability to run an Appium Flutter driver session.

Before you can start using the Appium Flutter driver, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Flutter App Preparation: Pre-process your Flutter app-under-test to enable the ext.flutter.driver extension. This step is crucial for the Appium Flutter driver to interact with your app.

  • Server Selection: Run your automation test script using our basic Appium 2.0 server. To do this, set 'kobiton:runtime' to 'appium'. Please note that the Appium Flutter driver is not supported by Xium.

  • Capability Configuration: Change the value of the capability 'appium:automationName' to 'Flutter'. This tells the Appium server to use the Flutter driver for your test session.

Appium Flutter driver is in Beta version with the following limitations:

  • All limitations of our basic Appium 2 functionality apply.

See the detailed guide here.

Script-based automation: install and use Appium Gesture plugin for basic Appium 2 server (Beta)

This release enables the installation of the Appium Gesture plugin on the Mac mini host, allowing scripts that utilize the Appium Gesture plugin to run on devices hosted by the Mac mini.

See this guide to install the plugin for Customer-hosted and Standalone deployments.


  • Available for Mac mini hosts running deviceConnect 4.9 and later.

  • Each Mac mini host must have the Appium Gesture plugin installed.

  • Not available for Public devices.

  • For private and local devices hosted by Kobiton, submit a support ticket to request the plugin.

Capture free drawing in a manual session

Previously, free draw actions in a manual session were recorded as a straight line, connecting the first and last coordinates of the drawing. Now, the free draw action is captured accurately as it is drawn by the user, to test apps that rely on the ability to free draw.

  • The improved free draw capture is available in manual sessions only.

  • In subsequent Scriptless rerun/revisit sessions, the free draw action will be captured as a straight line, connecting the start and end points of the drawing.

Introducing the exit session step

With this release, the screenshot of the device at the moment the session ends is now included in Session Explorer. In Session Explorer, this screenshot is displayed under a new kind of step called exit session.


  • For automation sessions, the exit session step does not have an HTTP header.

  • The exit session step may require a refresh to show up after a session ends.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

This release includes several enhancements and bug fixes to improve your day-to-day testing.

  • Script-based test automation and Device Inspector items:

    • Fixed issues with clicking an element while the device is in landscape orientation.

    • Enlarge arrow element is shown in Gigafox Inspector, but not Kobiton Inspector.

    • The message Analyse Responses Times is available by upgrading your plan no longer displays in Session Overview whenever an automation or mixed session was running.

  • Others:

    • Fixed an issue with missing videos and Session Explorer data for terminated sessions.

    • Add a cleanup task to bypass the Ad Policy page in Google Chrome 117 update.

    • Fixed permission changes that were not saving in the Team Management screen.

    • Fixed an issue where the search result dropdown was disappearing on the Devices page.

    • Made a change to improve network payload capture stability.

    • Android device’s current location constantly switches back and forth between mock and real location.

    • Failed to launch device due to exception Too many open files in system thrown from device health screen service.

    • Failed to parse .apk file uploaded to Kobiton store due to segmentation fault when running the aapt dump command.

    • Cannot set passcode on iPads when it is placed in Landscape mode.

Known issues / limitations for Standalone

  • The following AI-augmented features are currently not supported in this release: Scriptless Automation, Generate Appium Script, Validations. These will be included in an upcoming release.

  • Unable to uninstall apps using the Uninstall All button.

  • SSO settings - the Verify button is blocked by a CAPTCHA message even though there is no CAPTCHA.

  • Standard mode video does not display rotation correctly.

  • Jira Cloud integration is Cloud only, so does not work for network configurations without Internet access. You may see issues where the ticket is created, but there’s a 500 error, and you cannot add attachments.

  • Apps over 200MB may fail to upload to the App repo.

  • Device logs are sometimes missing from the Session Overview and Session Explorer.