Kobiton 3.2 release notes (Legacy)

April 06, 2020

Intelligent Test Automation (ITA)

We are constantly working to improve the ITA usage experience, here’s a summary of what has updated:

  • UX Improvements: Steps that qualify for ITA will be in different color in the Session Details so that you can have more insights of your ITA test case.

  • Virtual Keyboard (Android): Now you can use the virtual keyboard in your “test case” - manual session.

The virtual keyboard might not work properly on the passcode field on the Android < 7
  • Crash Remediation: Now when a crash happens on any executions, ITA will automatically detect and bring-out the specific crash log within the remediation. In this case, ITA provides you with new remediation actions such as Ignore or Report Bug.

  • Bug fixes: Fixed many critical bugs that blocked the ITA process, providing the better testing experience.


New Features

  • Crash Detection: After ending any sessions (manual, automation or ITA), Kobiton will execute a “post process” to scan a session log to determine if that session has a crash on the application or not? If yes, Kobiton will immediately point-out the specific crashed log for you on the Session Details (Logs section)

  • Enhance the Member Invitation Flow: When inviting members to your organization, now you can also assign the group for your members in advance.

  • Jira Integration Enhancement: Now you can also attach the device logs, appium logs or crash logs (if any) on the ticket to Jira.

  • Rooted Device: Now you can plug your rooted devices into Kobiton Desktop (in-house devices only)


  • Provide the sorting mechanism on the Members List (organization management)

  • If you have had a problem that cannot change the video quality in the session settings, you should no longer encounter this problem.

  • Improve the quality of the system for a better testing experience (fix problems with hubs, tcp socket, etc.)