Available capabilities These are the capabilities you can use during an automation session. You can also auto-generate your capabilities. The kobiton:visualValidation capability is deprecated. Kobiton Capabilities These capabilities are unique to Kobiton. To use Kobiton capabilities in Basic Appium 2 script, use the 'kobiton:' vendor prefix, i.e. 'kobiton:sessionName'. Capabilities with 'kobiton:' in the name cannot be used without the prefix. Not all Kobiton capabilities can be used in Basic Appium 2 scripts. app The app to use during the test session. If the app is not already installed on the device, the value of the second parameter will be used to download and install the app. Only available for app testing. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("app", "kobiton-store:000111"); // Install the app using the Kobiton app repository. capabilities.setCapability("app", "https://kobiton.docsapp.net/apps/app_id"); // Install the app using a direct download link. kobiton:baselineSessionId Select a baseline session to use for kobiton:flexCorrect or [_visualValidation]. Type: string Required capabilities: kobiton:flexCorrect or [_visualValidation] Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("kobiton:baselineSessionId", 0000011); // Select baseline session for flexCorrect or visualValidation by assigning a kobitonSessionId. This capability cannot be used in Basic Appium 2 sessions. captureScreenshots Screenshots will be captured after each test step automatically. They’ll be available in the session overview after the test session. Type: boolean Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("captureScreenshots", true); // Take a screenshot after each test step. This is not available for native and hybrid apps, as well as devices on Android 6.0 and earlier. deviceGroup The device group within the test session metadata. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("deviceGroup", "ORGANIZATION"); // Assign to the device team. deviceName The device name. Assign multiple platform versions using wildcards (*). Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 11 Pro"); // Use iPhone 11 Pro as the device name. capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "*Pro"); // Use any device name ending with 'Pro'. capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 11*"); // Use any device name starting with 'iPhone 11'. ensureWebviewsHavePages Ensures that all WebView elements in the application have loaded their content. Type: boolean Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: [_visualValidation] Example capabilities.setCapability("ensureWebviewsHavePages", true); // Set to true. kobiton:flexCorrect When a script is run on different devices, element selection is autocorrected. For more information, see Add flexCorrect to capabilities. Appium Self-healing (flexCorrect) is not currently supported in Standalone. Type: boolean Required capabilities: kobiton:baselineSessionId Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("kobiton:flexCorrect", true); // Enable flexCorrect by setting capability to true. This capability cannot be used in Basic Appium 2 sessions. groupId The group ID within the test session metadata. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("groupId", "0011"); // Assign to the Docs Team. sessionDescription The description of the test session, typically between 50-72 characters, but can be set to any length. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("sessionDescription", "This tests the login feature with biometric authentication."); // Provide the test session description. sessionName The name of the test session. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("sessionName", "Automation test session"); // Specify the test session name. tagName Find available devices with a specific tag. Only 1 tag can be provided. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("tagName", "TagName1"); // Find device with tag 'TagName1' kobiton:tags Categorize and organize sessions by assigning a custom tag at the time of session creation. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("kobiton:tags", ["nightly-run", "login-flow", "regression"]); useConfiguration The device configuration to use during the test session. Only available for web testing. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("useConfiguration", "kobiton"); // Use this pre-defined configuration for the test session. Appium Capabilities Kobiton supports most Appium capabilities. The capabilities listed below are typically required or have specific use cases unique to Kobiton. For Basic Appium 2 sessions, follow the Appium 2 guidelines for vendor prefix. accessKey The Kobiton API key for authentication. Only required for Appium java-client 9.2.2 or above. Type: string Required capabilities: 'appium:username' Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:accessKey", "ac9****8b-5*fc-4485-82eb-c5b****baed"); // The API key to authenticate with. autoWebview The webview context to use during the test session. Only available for web testing. Type: boolean Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:autoWebview", true); // Automatically select the webview context. browserName The web browser to use during the test session. Only available for web testing. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "safari"); // Use Safari for web testing on iOS. capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome"); // Use Chrome for web testing on Android. deviceOrientation The starting orientation for the device screen. Type: integer Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:deviceOrientation", "portrait"); // Set the device's starting orientation to portrait. capabilities.setCapability("appium:deviceOrientation", "landscape"); // Set the device's starting orientation to landscape. fullReset Remove all apps installed during the test session. To keep the apps and only remove their app data, use noReset instead. Type: boolean Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:fullReset", true); // Delete the app and the related data. This is only available for private and local devices. noReset Remove all app data from apps installed during the test session. To remove the full app, use fullReset instead. Type: string Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:noReset", false); // Delete just the app data. This is only available for private and local devices. 'platformName' The type of platform, i.e Android or iOS. Type: boolean Required capabilities: None Optional capabilities: None udid The device Unique Device Identifier (UDID). Type: string Required capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:udid", "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"); // Use the device with this UDID. username The Kobiton username for authentication. Only required for Appium java-client 9.2.2 or above. Type: string Required capabilities: 'appium:username' Optional capabilities: None Example capabilities.setCapability("appium:username", "johndoe"); // The username to authenticate with.