Set up virtualUSB Learn how to set up virtualUSB on your personal computer so you can debug local and private devices. You’ll need to configure your personal computer after you complete these steps. Before you start You’ll need a personal computer with the following system specifications: macOS: Monterey 12 or later, and Xcode 13 or later. Windows: Windows 10 or later. Add adb environment variables To debug Android devices, install Android Debug Bridge (adb) and add the following adb environment variables to your path: macOS Windows export ANDROID_HOME=path/to/Android/sdk export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools set ANDROID_HOME=C:\path\to\Android\Sdk set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools Install iTunes and third-party libraries For Windows, install iTunes. Optionally, install a third-party library that helps Windows natively communicate with iOS devices. Install virtualUSB macOS Windows Download virtualUSB from the Kobiton portal. Download virtualUSB from the Kobiton portal. When your installation is complete, enter the following commands: Windows cd C:\Program Files\virtualUSB vusb setup-ios Launch virtualUSB Finally, launch virtualUSB and sign in using your email address and password or Kobiton API key. Now you can debug cloud devices using virtualUSB. If you plan on debugging local devices using virtualUSB, you’ll need to configure your personal computer for debugging local devices.