Perform a remote deviceConnect update

Cloud and Hybrid customers hosting dedicated devices can perform a remote update for deviceConnect on the Mac mini host. This action can be performed either manually or automatically from the Kobiton Portal via the Device Management page.


  • Only available for Cloud and Hybrid customers.

  • Gather the internal IP address or hostname of the Mac mini host(s).

  • Kobiton administrator with the ADMIN predefined permission.

  • Remote update is available in deviceConnect version 4.13.0 and above.

Perform a remote deviceConnect update manually

When the below notification banner appears in the Portal, a deviceConnect update is available for at least 1 Mac mini host in your organization:

The banner about new version of deviceConnect

To update deviceConnect remotely, log in to the Kobiton Portal with an administrator account.

Select your profile name or picture, then choose Settings.

Select your profile name and select Settings

Select the Device Management tab.

The Device Management page lists all dedicated mobile devices for the org grouped by Mac mini host. Locate the Mac mini host you want to update and select the corresponding Upgrade button.

A Mac mini host that does not have the latest deviceConnect version has a warning icon next to its name in Device Management.
Make sure the current deviceConnect version on the Mac mini host is at least 4.13.0 before continuing, as deviceConnect below this version cannot be updated via the Portal.

The Upgrade button next to the hosting machine name in Device Management

In the confirmation modal, choose Upgrade again to proceed.

The Mac mini host will download the latest deviceConnect version and apply the update. Once the update starts, any active sessions on devices hosted by that Mac mini will be terminated. During the update, no actions can be performed on the Mac mini or the connected devices (all the buttons are grayed out).

After the update finishes, the devices should automatically come back online. Double-check the current version of deviceConnect on the Mac mini host to verify if the update is successful.

Enable or disable automatic deviceConnect update for an organization

By default, automatic deviceConnect update is disabled for an organization. When automatic update is enabled, the system will periodically check for the latest deviceConnect version, download it, then update.

The update only starts when all devices hosted by the Mac mini are not in use, i.e. there is no active sessions on the devices. If there are active sessions on the devices, the update is skipped until the next update check (about 30 minutes between each check).

To check the current automatic update setting for your organization, or to enable/disable automatic update, follow the steps below:

Log in to the Kobiton Portal with an administrator account.

Select your profile name or picture, then choose Settings.

Select your profile name and select Settings

Select the Device Management tab. If the organization has at least 1 Mac mini host with online devices, the New version upgrade section displays and Manual is selected by default:

The New version upgrade option in Device Management

To enable automatic update, select the drop-down list, choose Automatic, then choose Save:

The New version upgrade set to Automatic

Force offline devices for old deviceConnect versions

Devices are automatically taken offline on the Kobiton portal if the deviceConnect version on the Mac mini host is two major versions behind the current release.

For example, if the latest deviceConnect version is 4.14, all devices hosted by deviceConnect v4.12 or below will become offline. Devices hosted by deviceConnect v4.13 are still online until v4.15 is released (if not updated).

When adding a new hosting machine with deviceConnect v4.12 or earlier to an organization, neither the machine nor its devices appear on the Device Management page in the portal.

To avoid this issue, ensure that deviceConnect v4.13 or later is installed on all new hosting machines.

When devices are offline due to deviceConnect version being outdated, you will see Kobiton upgrade required under the device message in SettingsDevice Management:

The Kobiton upgrade required message under Device Management

Perform the deviceConnect update manually or automatically to make the devices online again.