Configure your personal computer for Standalone Portal

Learn how to configure your personal computer for Standalone Portal with SSL, so you can debug local or private devices using virtualUSB.

Before you start

You’ll need to complete the following:

Trust self-signed SSL certificate (Standalone/On-Prem only)

The below steps are only needed if the Standalone/On=Prem portal is using a self-signed SSL certificate.

Request the IT administrator of your organization for the root CA certificate from which the SSL cert of the OP server is issued. It should be a file named root.crt or ca.crt. Then proceed to import the certificates.

  • MacOS

  • Windows

Request the IT administrator of your organization for the end-entity certificate from which the SSL cert of the OP server is issued. It should be a file named ssl.crt. Tranfer the certificate file to the MacOS machine.

Open the Keychain Access application.

Open Finder, go to the location of the ssl.crt file, then drag and drop the file into the Keychain Access application.

Double-click on the newly added certificate file. In the dialog, choose the Always Trust option from the dropdown list for the two fields:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

  • X.509 Basic Policy

The trust option for the imported certificate in keychain access with the 2 options set as Always Trust

Close the dialog and enter the admin password of the user workstation to save the changes.

Request the IT administrator of your organization for the root CA certificate from which the SSL cert of the OP server is issued. It should be a file named root.crt or ca.crt. Tranfer the certificate file to the Windows machine.

On the Windows machine, double-click the file, then select Install Certificate on the Certificate window.

The certificate information screen with an option to Install Cerficicate

On the next screen, choose Local Machine. This requires administrators privileges.

The Certificate Import Wizard with the Store Location set to Local Machine

On the next screen, choose Place all certificates in the following store, then select Browse.

The Certificate Store selector with the option Place all certificates in the following store selected

Choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities, then select OK.

The Select Certificate Store screen with Trusted Root Certification Authorities selected

Select Next, then Finish. The root CA certificate is now imported to the end-user workstation trust store.