Configure Mac mini hosts for Hybrid or Standalone

Learn how to configure the Mac mini hosts so Hybrid and Standalone/On-Prem users can debug with your organization’s devices using virtualUSB.

Before you start

You’ll need to verify your system administrator privileges for your Kobiton Mac mini hosts.

Modify dc.ini on the Mac mini host

The dc.ini file needs to be modified for each Mac mini host before virtualUSB can be used.

On the Mac mini host, edit the dc.ini file located under /usr/local/deviceconnect and add the following environment variables:

GatewayPublicAddress=<ip-address> # Set to the Mac mini host's private or public IP address.
ExternalAirstreamTlsPort=<port-number> # Set to 10161 or public port.

Save the file, then restart deviceConnect services to apply the changes.

Now users in your organization can use virtualUSB for private or local devices hosted on the Hybrid or Standalone/On-Prem Mac mini hosts.