Use REST API to run Scriptless $DESCRIPTION$ Use REST API Use the endpoint is below. You can also refer to our API documentation for more information. POST We will use Postman to illustrate. If you are not familiar with setting up Postman and Kobiton, refer to our example for uploading apps to Kobiton devices with Postman here to see the basic setup steps. Authentication Input your username and API Key (which can be found at link: to connect to the Kobiton portal: Body First, you need to choose raw data with JSON format. Enter the ID of the baseline automation session to exploringSessionIds parameter. Enter the device bundle intended for testing to deviceBundleId parameter (device bundle ID can be retrieved at link: + Another example of triggering Scriptless with some (but not all) devices in a device bundle: + If there are two devices specified in one deviceCapabilities parameter, it would be an OR condition which means the system can pick either Galaxy Note10 or Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G if the other device is not available. There are more parameters that you can apply when triggering Scriptless rerun sessions - see our API documentation for more information. Trigger the API call Select Send in Postman to trigger Kobiton Scriptless reruns. The response would look like this: Supported endpoints (for both Android and iOS) All GET endpoints POST /wd/hub/session[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/element[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/elements[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/context[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/timeouts[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/appium/settings[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/execute[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/execute/sync[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/actions[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/touch/perform[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/touch/longclick[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/element/($PARAM_NAME)/click[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/element/($PARAM_NAME)/value[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/element/($PARAM_NAME)/clear[?]*$ `POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/appium/device/press_keycode[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/back[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/orientation[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/keys[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/appium/device/hide_keyboard[?]*$ POST /wd/hub/session/($PARAM_NAME)/location[?]*$