Validate accessibility

Learn how to validate your app or website for accessibility by finding and fixing issues like touch target size, color contrast, and content labeling.

Open accessibility validation

In Kobiton, select Sessions.

Select Sessions tab

Find a session, then select the session in the search result.

Search for a session ID

At the session details page, select the Explorer tab.

Select Explorer tab

Select a yellow marker in the session timeline.

The yellow dot indicating accessibility validations with a View Details button

Select View Details.

Select an issue type

To view all issues related to a specific accessibility type, select from one of the following:

Touch target size

The size of an element on the screen your user can interact with. If an element is too small, some users may struggle to interact with elements on your app or website.

A context to Touch Target Size cases

Color Contrast

The difference in light between a foreground element and its background.If the color contrast is insufficient some users may struggle to see elements on your app or website.

A context to color contrast cases

Content labeling

Each UI element on the screen should be properly labeled in your codebase.If a UI element is missing or using an incorrect label, users may be unable to use a screen reader with your app or website.

A context to Content Labeling cases on screen

Select a screenshot

Each screenshot is flagged with one or more issues related to the current issue type. The total number of screenshots for this issue type is located beneath the screenshot pane. Use the Next and Previous icons to select a specific screenshot.

A context to yellow dots on the timeline and the screen

Select an issue

The total number of issues flagged on the selected screenshot is located at the top of the issue pane. Use the Next and Previous icons to select an issue on the currently selected screenshot.

A context to yellow dots on the timeline and the screen

Review the issue

Each issue contains a description with a link to the related Apple or Google accessibility guideline. Use the following information to review the selected issue.


Indicates the visibility of the selected element using true or false.


The Xpath of the selected element. Hover over the Xpath value to copy it to your clipboard.


The text output of the selected element.


The width of the selected element.


The height of the selected element.


The X-coordinate on the screen of the selected element.


The Y-coordinate on the screen of the selected element.