Create a role

Learn how to create a role for users in your organization so you can leverage Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). For more information, see User roles and permissions.

Create a role

In Org Management, select Roles, then Create.

Create a role in Org Management

In Details, enter a role name and description, then select Members.

Enter the role’s name and description

In Members, select Add Members, then search for the user you want to assign the role to.

Search for the user you want to assign the role

Select the plus icon next to the user, then select Permissions.

Select the plus icon next to the user, then select *Permissions

In Permissions, use the search bar to find permissions.

Search for permissions in the search box

Select the plus icon next to each permission you want to add to the role.

Add the role to the permission

When you’re finished, select Save.

Select Save to save permission