Configure Kobiton Standalone server for local or private devices

Learn how to configure your Kobiton Standalone server so users can debug with your organization’s devices using virtualUSB.

Before you start

You’ll need to verify your system administrator privileges for your Kobiton Standalone server.

Get server details for your team

When users configure their personal computer, they’ll need your server’s IP address and REST API port numbers.

Save these details to a secure location your team can easily access:

# Required server details for:

<network-address> : VALUE
<api-port-baseurl> : VALUE
<api-port-grpc-baseurl> : VALUE

Get network address

Users can use your private domain name or the Kobiton server’s IP address. If you prefer the Kobiton server’s IP address, enter the following command in the terminal and save the output to a secure location for your team:

hostname -I

Get REST API port numbers

To get the Kobiton server’s REST API port numbers, open ~/config/app.yaml and check for the following port keys:

rest_api_ingress_advertised_port: <port-number>
grpc_ingress_gateway_public_advertised_port: <port-number>

If the keys are present, save their values to a secure location. If they’re not, save these details instead:

  • Set the port number for Kobiton.ApiBaseUrl to 3000.

  • Set the port number for Kobiton.ApiGrpcBaseUrl to 3001.

Modify dc.ini

The dc.ini file needs to be modified for each Mac mini server.

In the terminal, open the deviceconnect directory:

cd ~/usr/local/deviceconnect

Open dc.ini and add the following environment variables:

GatewayPublicAddress=<ip-address> # Set to your private or public IP address.
ExternalAirstreamTlsPort=<port-number> # Set to 10161 or public IP address.

Save your changes, then enter the following command to restart the server:

sudo sv restart dc-services dc-webviewer dc-watchdog

Now users in your organization can debug local devices hosted on your local Kobiton server.