Custom gestures

These are the scripts, functions, and parameters used to draw custom gestures during a manual session.

A manual session with gestures open.


Scripts contain one or more space-separated functions. Depending on the specific function, zero or more parameters can be assigned to the function. If a parameter is required for a function, it’ll be surrounded with <>, otherwise it’ll be surrounded with [].

down(0%, 0%, 3) move(50%, 50%, 3) up(3) // Places the 4th finger on the screen at 0%, 0%, moves the finger to 50%, 50%, and then removes the finger.


arc(<x>, <y>, <angle>, [finger], [duration])

arc() draws an arc from -360 to 360 degrees. Use x and y to set the center of the arc, and angle to set the arc’s angle in degrees.

By default, finger is set to 0 and duration is set to 2s.

down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 180) // Draws a semi-circle starting and ending at the center of the screen.
down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 0) // Draws a point at the center of the screen.
down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 360) // Draws a full circle starting and ending at the center of the screen.

down(<x>, <y>, [finger])

dow() places a finger on the screen at the x and y coordinates. By default, finger will be set to 0, unless you choose a different finger. The finger won’t move unless called in another function.

down(1px, 400px) // Places a finger at 1px, 400px using the pixels of your computer monitor.
down(400dp, 1dp) // Places a finger at 400px, 1px using the pixels of the mobile device screen.
down(1%, 100%) // Places a finger at 1%, 100% by multiplying the length of the mobile device screen by its relevant axis.

move(<x>, <y>, [finger], [duration])

move() swipes a finger from its current location to the location specified in move(). By default, finger will be set to 0 and duration will be set to 2s.

If there’s no finger on the screen yet, down() will be called instead.
down(50%, 50%) move(75%, 75%) // Places a finger at 50%, 50% then moves it to 75%, 75%.
down(50%, 50%) move(25%, 25%) // Places a finger at 50%, 50% then moves it to 25%, 25%.
down(50%, 50%) move(100%, 0%) // Places a finger at 50%, 50% then moves it to 100%, 0%.


sync() waits for all function calls to finish before calling more functions. If finger is assigned, sync() only applies to function calls using that finger.

down(0) sync() down(1) // Wait for all functions to finish before placing the 2nd finger down.
down(0) sync(1) down(1) // Wait for the 1st finger to finish before placing the 2nd finger down.
down(0) sync(0) down(1) // Place the 2nd finger down immediately, since sync() was only applied to the 1st finger.


up() removes a finger from the screen. By default, finger will be set to 0, unless you choose a different finger.

up() // Removes the 1st finger from the screen since a finger wasn't specified.
up(5) // Removes the 6th finger from the screen.


wait() waits for duration before calling more functions.

wait(20ms) // Waits for 20 milliseconds before calling another function.
wait(30s) // Waits for 30 seconds before calling another function.



angle determines the angle of arc(). Set to an integer ranging from -360 to 360.Positive integers are draw arc() clockwise and negative integers draw arc() counterclockwise.

down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 180) // Draws a semi-circle starting and ending at the center of the screen.
down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 0) // Draws a point at the center of the screen.
down(50%, 50%) arc(50%, 50%, 360) // Draws a full circle starting and ending at the center of the screen.


duration determines the duration of a function and can be set to any positive integer. By default, milliseconds (ms) is used as the unit of measurement, however seconds (s) can be used instead.

wait(50) // Waits for 50 milliseconds.
wait(30ms) // Waits for 30 milliseconds.
wait(8s) // Waits for 8 seconds.


finger determines which finger to use for a gesture and can be set to an integer ranging from 0 to 9. By default, finger is set to 0. Use a different finger for different functions to create multi-touch gestures, like a two-finger swipe or pinch.

down(50%, 50%, 0) // Places the first finger on the center of the screen.
move(1px, 400px, 8) // Swipes the ninth finger from pixel 1 to pixel 400 on the screen.
up(4) // Removes the fifth finger from the screen.

x and y

x and y determines the function’s location on the device screen. By default, pixels (px) is used as the unit of measurement, but device-independent pixels (dp) or a screen percentage (%) can be used instead.

down(1px, 400px) // Places a finger at 1px, 400px using the pixels of your computer monitor.
down(400dp, 1dp) // Places a finger at 400px, 1px using the pixels of the mobile device screen.
down(1%, 100%) // Places a finger at 1%, 100% by multiplying the length of the mobile device screen by its relevant axis.

Units of measurement


px, or pixel, is an integer that represents the exact location of a pixel on the display running the test session (not the test device). While px allows for pixel-perfect placement of functions, integers assigned to px may represent different pixel locations on different displays. To use a relative pixel location instead, see dp.


dp, or device-independent pixel, is an integer that represents the relative location of a pixel on the display running the test session (not the test device). While dp allows gestures to be used on different displays more easily, functions can’t be placed pixel-perfect. To use an exact pixel location instead, see px.


An integer between 0 and 100 that represents a location on the display running the test session (not the test device)--for example, (50%, 50%) represents the center of the screen. The location of % is determined by multiplying the length of the test screen by the relevant axis.


An integer that represents the measure of time in seconds.


An integer that represents the measure of time in milliseconds.