App metadata

This is metadata associated with each app. In Apps, choose an app and select the version dropdown to view its metadata.

choose an app and select the version dropdown to view its metadata


The name of your app within Kobiton. This doesn’t need to match the public name so choose any name that works for you and your team.


There can be multiple versions for each app, such as 1.0.2 and 1.1.0. Use this field to identify the app version.


There can be multiple versions for each app, such as 1.0.2 and 1.1.0. Use this field to identify whether the version you’re looking at is the latest version.

App ID

The unique identifier number assigned to each app, such as 586732.

App package version

An Android app’s unique bundle version, such as 2.9.6.For iOS, see Bundle version.

Bundle version

An iOS app’s unique bundle version, such as 1.2.5.For Android, see App package version.

Bundle ID

The unique identifier Apple uses to identify your app, such as com.kobiton.appname.For Android, see Package.

Minimum OS version

The earliest operating system (OS) version compatible with your app, such as iOS 11.0 or Android 15.


The unique identifier Google uses to identify your app, such as iOS, see Bundle ID.

Supported CPU architectures

The different mobile CPUs compatible with your app, such as arm 64 or x86.


The date your app was last updated, such as May 15, 2023 10:55:35.

Uploaded by

If you’re at the toplevel of the app repository, this is the user who uploaded the latest version of the app, such as alex-lee. If you’re within a specific app, this is the user who uploaded the app version you’re currently viewing.