Generate an iOS provisioning profile

Learn how to generate the .mobileprovision file used for your iOS app’s provisioning profile. A provisioning profile authorizes your app to use certain app services and ensures that you’re a known developer developing, uploading, or distributing your app. For more information, see Apple’s What is app signing?.

Create an App ID

If you don’t have an App ID already, open Apple Developer, select Certificate, Identifiers and Profiles, then Create new identifier.

A closeup to Create new Identifier

Choose App IDs, then select Continue.

A closeup to Select App ID

Add a description, then choose Wildcard and enter com.*.

 A closeup to choose Wildcard option

When you’re finished, select Continue.

Generate .mobileprovision file

In Apple Developer, select Certificate, Identifiers and Profiles, Devices, then Register a Device.

Register a Device

Enter the device Platform, Name, and UDID.

When you’re finished, select Continue, then Register.

Select Platform, Name and UDID

Repeat these steps to add more devices.

Select Profile, then Generate a Profile.

Select Profile, then Generate a Profile

Choose iOS App Development, then select Continue.

Choose iOS App Development

Choose an App ID from the dropdown, then select Continue.

Choose an App ID from the dropdown, then select <strong>Continue</strong>.

Choose the certificate you created from the dropdown, then select Continue.

Choose the certificate you created from the dropdown, then select <strong>Continue</strong>.

Select all devices you want to include in the provisioning profile.

Select Generate

Enter a name for the provisioning profile, then select Generate to download your .mobileprovision file.

Add .mobileprovision file to Xcode project

Launch Xcode and select your project. In the project menu, select Signing & Capabilities.

Select Signing &Capabilities tab on Xcode

Choose Signing (Debug) or Signing (Release).

Select Debug tab

In the Provisioning Profile dropdown, select Import Profile.

In the Provisioning Profile dropdown, select Import Profile

Select your .mobileprovision file.

Select your mobileprovision file